QUESTION: Why Don’t Nigerian Pastors Preach Contentment?

 I found this write up somewhere by an anonymous and decided to share it here with you readers cos of the constant  articles you read these days about our pastors, please read and answer the writer in the comment box.
"I believe in the bible, it is the pilgrim’s map and the Wikipedia of Christianity. But it is sad to notice that (Nigerian) pastor only preach what “sells”. Go to churches and all you hear is preaching on increase, overflow and divine multiplication. Increase is good  but what of contentment? 1 Tim 6:6 says; “but godliness with contentment is great gain.” So why don’t pastors preach it? This one-sided preaching has led to the abuse of the pulpit. “Open heavens offering”, “first fruit offering”, “challenge God offering”, “seed of faith offering” etc

Listen, “Give, and it shall be given unto you” doesn’t mean that God is a Micro-Finance bank that gives return on investments. The last I checked, God stills loves a cheerful giver o.” So I challenge you, if your pastor has ever preached contentment, give me the church address and I will become a member (I am currently searching for a purpose driven church to worship with). Jesus was content, the apostles were content, and Paul was content, so why don’t Nigerian pastors preach contentment?"


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