U.S Election Poll: Obama Is Popular Across The Globe, Even Non-Americans Want Him To Win

It's shaping up to be one of the tightest U.S. presidential elections in history.
But it seem there would be one clear winner if the rest of the world were to get to vote.
A poll of more than 570,000 people across the globe has revealed non-Americans want Barack Obama to remain President of the United States.

Research, conducted across 36 countries outside the US, revealed 81 per cent were in favor of Obama spending another four years in office.
And only 19 per cent preferred his Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to the findings from MSN.
Interestingly, the only country that would prefer Romney as the next President was China - with 52 per cent voting in his favor.
In the UK, Obama came out with a huge 85 per cent of the vote.
Romney's failure to win fans here has been put down to his comments over Britain being unready for the Olympics this summer.
Duncan Hooper, managing editor of MSN News & Sport, said: 'Mitt Romney lost all hope of winning Britons' hearts after suggesting the country wasn't ready to host the Olympics.
'He made so many gaffes during a visit to London that it became known as the "Romneyshambles".
'Barack Obama is still remembered as the man who represented a significant and welcome change after the much maligned George W Bush's eight years in the White House.
'Obama's struggles on the domestic scene have gone largely unreported over here compared with his dignified and well-timed overseas visits.'



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