I Suspected My Husband of 3 year Cheating, So I Set Him Up & I Was Right!

Dear Readers
Hello! I always enjoy your articles and your honesty. I am having problems with my marriage.
I don't trust him (my hubby) and I am fed up! My husband and I have been together for three years, but married for one. We have one son, and now I am pregnant with our second child. When we first met everything was perfect. He is in the military, and in our first year he had to be away for five months.
When he came back we moved in together. After moving in I became pregnant with our son, and the first month of my pregnancy I found Facebook messages of him flirting with other women. I was ready to leave him, but he begged me to stay and deleted his account. So, I did.

Then 6 months into my pregnancy I found in his phone that he had a website account with Mocospace and was flirting again with other women. Once again he begged me to stay, and stupid me I did. I found other things such as porn and him messaging females. He had a really bad car accident and almost lost his life, so he promised me he was a changed man. We began going to church and everything was going great. I was beginning to trust him again.
So, recently I haven't been getting a good feeling whenever he leaves for his military trips. He is always texing and he rarely calls, so my gut feeling was telling me something was not right. I was always told to go with that gut feeling. I downloaded a texing app and decided to pretend to be a pretty female he knows.
I found this random girl that went to his high school, and I began texing him. He knew the girl and I found out he knows her sister as well. He said him and her sister were planning to chill and that they chilled the last time he was in town, which was before our son's birthday. He also said he used to mess around with her sister in 2007, even if we weren't together in 2007 why would you as a married man hang out with a woman you messed around with or even be friends with her?
But, to make this short, I got him to flirt and send a picture of himself and he wanted to see a picture of her body. So, when I confronted him and told him I set him up he said him and his friend was making fun of the girl, but I don't believe it. This is the second pregnancy he has done this to me.
I know I don't deserve this because I am a good faithful woman. Right now we are separated, but he wants to talk to our pastor to see if we can work it out. I agreed to talk to our pastor, but depending on how I feel afterward is if we stay married or not.
Do you think I shouldn't give him a chance? Or, should I talk to our pastor to see if we can work it out? I am confused because I feel like he will never change, but I love him. I really need help with this.



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