(Photos) Police drag out half naked suspect during hunt for Paris attack mastermind

Police have confirmed the end of the shootout in Saint-Denis, France. was  part of their hunt for Friday's terror attack 'mastermind' Abdelhamid Abaaoud.Three have been confirmed among the dead including a civilian passerby. One of the terror suspect, a female rumoured to be Abaaoud's jihadi bride killed herself at the scene by activating her suicide belt.
A bloodied and half naked suspect was seen dragged out of a building through broken glass and French media are reporting the architect of the plan that killed 129 people, Abdelhamid Abaaoud was alive and inside the flat 
 According to reports,the Saint-Denis operation began because of intelligence that an attack was being planned in the La Defense business quarter of Paris.
 A police anti-terror dog named Diesel was “killed by terrorists”...It is unknown if the person dragged out is the mastermind ..


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