Dad fathered 8 children with his daughter over 22 year period

Police in Argentina have arrested a man accused of fathering eight children with his daughter during a 22-year reign of terror.
Domingo Bullicio, 56, allegedly turned his daughter Antonia into his sex slave when she was just 15 after his wife walked out on him with their three other children.

He reportedly fled after the victim, now aged 37, went to authorities seeking help.
Police detained him in the nearby city of Loreto on an arrest warrant after a manhunt lasting more than a month.

Antonia, who is illiterate, told a local paper today she had been abused from an early age by her dad and had received death threats since going public with her ordeal.

She claimed:

“From the moment my mum left home I became my father’s wife.
 He abused me from the age of nine.
 He would hit me and used to chase me round the house with a lump of wood when he saw me chatting to a neighbor or simply wanted to abuse me.
 He threatened me constantly and I always feared for my life. He told me he would kill me if I said anything.
“I’m scared for my life and the life of my children because today I’m receiving threats from my father’s siblings to withdraw my complaint against him.
“They’re not at all concerned about what’s happened.
“I want him to rot in jail. I want justice to be done.”

DNA tests are ongoing to determine whether the children are his.
 He is said to have registered the youngsters, who are still being looked after by their mum, as his own.
Many of the rapes she claims she suffered took place in front of the youngsters, who will be quizzed as part of the ongoing investigation.

Daily Record  


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