Dezeani Allison Madueke`s Double Standard: Pics of sons private jet lifestyle

Ain`t she fake? Deziani Allison Madueke, Nigeria`s oil minister, penultimate week   introduced untold hardship into Nigerian families by unilaterally demanding PPRA to announce the removal of oil subsidy. Consequently, cost of transportation increased by 
100 left:ugonna madueke onboard jet

Days before christmas,a widow had left her base with her five children to the village for Christmas. In her words, “i paid three thousand naira(N3,000.00) for each of us to travel to the village and had set aside another eighteen thousand (N18,000.00)for the return trip”. However, when she arrived the motor park on Jan . 2nd, one day after the removal of oil subsidy, she discovered that the cost of transportation had increased. They asked her to pay six thousand naira (N6,000.00)  per head, she broke down and wept openly and pleaded for three thousand naira per head. But her plea fell on deaf ears and was turned away. Simultaneously, Deziani Allison Madueke`s family were travelling around the globe in private jet, funded by a government, which she claim was broke. While Nigerians suffer, its government officials are like the proverbial Leopard incapable of changing its spots.
Photos obtained from DailyPost Nigeria, reveals Nigeria Oil Minister,  Diezani Alison-Madueke’s sons, living like Kings in America , complete with private jet travels, luxury ship vacations, frolicking with local and international superstars such as Dbanj, Neyo and Cecil Hammond.How long will people hired/appointed to serve in public offices continue to live off our resources?
Enough of this nonsense! Nigerian must occupy Dezeani Aliison Madueke and her family

 Mrs. Winihin Jimide, Ugonna Madueke, Honorable Minister Mrs. Diezani Alison_Madueke, Permanent Secretary, Goni Sheikh, Chimezie Madueke and Chima Madueke


dbanj cecil hammond chima madueke

 stretch limo oil minister





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