Recognize WHO walks with you*


There will always be people in your life who perhaps cost you too much, who hurt you too many times, who don’t see all the good you’ve done for them, who take you for granted but they are also the ones you'd give your all, who you'd sacrifice anything for, the one who takes your breath away like nobody else could….
These people, push you to become the best that you can be and the pain you experienced is nothing compared to this satisfaction.
The biggest mistake is to think that it's too late to start again.

  Recognize WHO walks with you* (that is the Almighty) throughout your life’s journey...all that pain, fear, sadness becomes impossible then you’ll see more good than bad in whatever happens to you.
In life, you'll realize that there is a purpose for everybody you meet. Some are there to test you. Some will use you. Some will teach you. And some will bring out the best in you.
Don't ever be afraid of change. Always remember, God will never take anything away from you without the intention of replacing it with something much better. ♥


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