Hilarious: Female Nurse Infects Her 3 Boyfriends With Sexual Disease

 Not only were three men played by one "small girl" but they also sadly got a bonus of a Sexually Transmitted Infection - Syphilis, while swimming in dangerous waters.

The lady in the centre of the drama is Florence Mhishi, a nurse stationed at Harare Central Hospital. The three men discovered that they were dipping their "thing" into the same cookie jar on December 23 when they visited her with Christmas presents at her flat; the scene of the escapade accident in which the nurse played Russian Roulette with the three ‘runs men’ hearts.

 Coincidentally, they visited their ‘night nurse’ at almost the same time and all hell broke loose! The first on the scene was one gentleman identified as Fatso who is believed to be in his early sixties according to Florence’s co-tenants. “First to come was Uncle Fatso; we know him because he always comes here and we heard he is the one who pays the rent,” said a source, who is a tenant at the flat.

“When Uncle Fatso was in the flat, we saw the guy who drives the silver Mercedes Benz coming at the same time with another man who is also a regular visitor here,” revealed the source.

We later discover that the man with the silver Mercedes is an entrepreneur in the Calibration industry. Florence is said to have tried to block one of the two guys, Paddington, from entering and a quarrel ensued forcing Fatso to come out and investigate.

The third guy, who was later identified only as Jude also joined in the squabble as all the three men demanded that they identify themselves and their role in Florence’s life and flat. They were all made to believe they were the heads of the house as it were!

“A quarrel ensued as the three men demanded to know who each one of them was. They all identified themselves as Florence’s boyfriends and the men were very mature. They didn’t fight and we don’t know what happened behind closed doors,” revealed our source.

But they decided to take what was theirs from the flat leaving Florence the tart with a huge task of finding fresh ‘benefactors’! “What we know is we saw the men leaving with property and we are reliably informed that each man confiscated what he had bought for Florence,” added the source.

But we managed to get details of what transpired inside after the reporter caught up with Florence and Paddington at Harare Central Police Station. Apparently, after losing the property she used to pose with, Florence lodged a police report alleging that her property had been stolen! The docket was opened under CR No 1350-12-10 and we managed to have sight of Florence’s submissions in her warned and cautioned statement. She alleged that Paddington came with a group of ‘gangsters’ and forcibly took her household property.

In his defence, Paddington argued that he had every right to confiscate the property since he was the rightful owner. “I acknowledge that I took the property but I am the one who bought it with my hard earned money. After all, she infected me with Syphilis and obviously the whole network of her boyfriends was also affected,” said Paddington. He said that he confiscated his car, VW Polo that he had given her to floss with! Paddington’s wife was also present and she had no kind words for Florence.

“That woman destroyed my family but I have faith in God and I am happy that my husband has come back to his senses,” she lamented.


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