Pray for Me! True to God, I need a man – Funke Akindele

Funke Akindele is a Nigerian success story. Here is a girl who has made it, who is a household name in Nigeria and beyond, who has fame and money, but one thing is missing: a man to marry her.
Like every girl, she dreams to have a home and a family all of her own. “Once I start my home, I hope to cut down on acting so that I can give my family more attention,” she says. But for now, the men are not  coming, or too scared to come, making her to turn to God in prayer
“Man proposes and God disposes”, she says, waxing spiritual, “so people should keep their fingers crossed and pray for Funke Akindele to meet the bone of her bone and the flesh of her flesh and not somebody else.”
“It is one of my dreams to bear children soon and I believe it will come to pass soon.”
Not marrying early is something that seems to run in the family.
“My parents went through the process and it is their joy that I also pass through the same process,” she says.
There is a sense of poignancy to it all as the celebrity actress compares her situation to some of her age mates who are already married and have children.
“Some of my mates have more than three kids today,” she laments, again going spiritual: “Perhaps, this is how God wants me to be for now. When the time comes, and that time could be anytime, I hope to put acting on hold for a family”.
In a typical Nigerian family setting, there would have been parental pressures to marry, but not so with Akindele’s parents.
“I have a wonderful mother that prays and encourages me. She admonishes me not to go after money but true love.
“People who know me closely would tell you that I don’t have airs at all. Of course, I want to get married to somebody that I love and who
understands me; who loves me for whom I am.”
Funke’s situation is made difficult by the general perception of actresses as not being too good as wives.
“People say that men are often scared of actresses because they are famous, rich, drive around in posh cars and command a lot of attention. That all these make a ‘struggling’ guy gets scared and run away.”
“To all the guys scared of approaching her for marriage, Akindele says: “You don’t have to let inferiority complex overwhelm you. If God says you are the right person for me, then nothing will stop it.”
For a star actress of her stature to get a husband, Akindele knows she has to come down from her high horse or from her Olympian heights of pride.
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