Actor Pete Eneh Leg Amputated

One of Nollywood’s greatest actors is in total distress..News has it that veteran actor  Pete Eneh had one of his legs amputated  by doctors at the Parklane Hospital Enugu in order to save his life.

The veteran actor was said to have sustained some kind of injury last year, and because he didn't take proper care of it, it led to serious infection that became hard to treat.

The injury was said to have degenerated to a sore and because Mr Eneh was diabetic, it refused to heal. He spent three months at the hospital before he was advised to amputate the leg before the infection spread to other parts of his body. 

The amputation took place on Wednesday October 24th after all efforts to save the leg was unsuccessful.

Pete Eneh is trying to cope with his new way of life which may terminate his acting career..


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