Primate Elijah Ayodele’s Bombshell! Reveals What God Told Him About Politics,Nigeria & Others

Primate Elijah Ayodele has spoken again and this time his revelations will shock you. The primate while speaking with Ayomide Owonibi said Nigeria will manage to live together for another 30-50 years but he can tell you that the country will not stand in the next 100 years.

He also said the CIA has misled the government on Boko Haram and other countries will join Nigeria in the future to fight the deadly sect.  Speaking on politics the primate said PDP will win the presidential election come 2015 and if the Vice president is not careful, he will be replaced. He also said APC will not stand because they did not ask God before they came together.
Visions for Nigeria in the first quarter of the year
Prayers are all what we need to keep the country intact, to bring peace to the country. As a matter of fact, a lot is still going to happen and Nigerians still need to be praying ahead. I am using this medium to appeal to all Christians and Nigerians who believe in the tomorrow of this country to pray.
If Nigerians can exercise patience, I see the economy booming. I see expatriates coming into this country because our economy would be one of the best in Africa come 2017. But the point is that we have to pray that God should keep Nigeria as one nation. The government has not really addressed the issue of one nation as expected. We need prayers for God’s divine intervention.
Nigeria’s unity
It may take 30 or 50 years but Nigeria cannot stay together for another 100 years.
Specifically, are you seeing Jonathan as President in 2015?
I am not talking about Jonathan here. I am talking about the party. I am saying again, PDP will make it in 2015. There is still going to be more negotiations. Honestly speaking, if the Vice-President does not sit up, his position would be used for negotiations. Most of the defected government if not all, two would come back to PDP. There would still be more defections. APC cannot fight PDP, as they don’t have the mandate. APC did not ask from God before they came together so they cannot stand.
Another thing is that the weather forecast in Lagos State, which said that rain would fall for 265 days is a lie. The Lord told me that it is a lie. There would be rain but not for 265 days. The meteorologists have made a big blunder. Nobody determines the work of God.
On insecurity
If this government tries to have any kind of amnesty with Boko Haram, it would cause problems for this country. The government should not take it lightly with Boko Haram; they should fight the war against them. I see other nations supporting Nigeria in the long run. Boko Haram would still make the FG spend a lot of money. On the issue of Boko Haram, the CIA has misled the Nigerian government about it. As said by the Lord, America should be blamed, as directed by the Lord. These people are not spirits. I don’t know whether the government is afraid to address things the way they are. They should address it from the roots.
We said it earlier this year that Abuja must be very watchful because there is going to be an attack on Abuja. The government should work more on security so that Nigerians can be protected.
Nigerians don’t understand when a man of God speaks. We should not blame many men of God who said things in the back that did not come to pass. Everything is in the hands of God. He is the one who has the final say about everything that happens. What I am saying in essence is that APC will not make the presidency in 2015, though it will be very tough.
What are your thoughts about the missing Malaysian plane?
The missing Malaysian plane is riddled with politics. The people should put pressure on the Malaysian government. There is more to that missing plane than meets the eye. I would say it again, the government is involved. The government should be queried about the missing plane. It is not a crashed plane at the moment, but a missing plane.
How about Rivers State?
If Rivers State is not careful enough, PDP might take over the state. PDP would [keep] Akwa Ibom. Also, if care is not taken, PDP would take over Sokoto State. These are the states that God has revealed to me that PDP would take over.
I see the flag of Nigeria changing. At the end of it all, there is still going to be another constitution review. I see that there is going to be something like a referendum. I see a confab where there would be an adoption of referendum. There would be elections in 2015 despite insinuations that there would be none.

1 comment:

  1. These so called predictions are mere thoughts and reasoning of man. There are things common sense dictates. To put God behind every human thought is a sin. Many have misled people in God.s name, and this, as far as I'm concerned is one of them. Hear this: "APC will not win in 2015 because members didn't ask God before they come together"! Nonsense. Did PDP ask God before it was formed? These so called false Primates should keep their mouth shut if they don't have something positive to say.
    How did CIA mislead the Nation? Nigeria will remain a nation for many years but not up to 100 years, PDP will win Sokoto and Rivers, etc, Common, give me a break.
    People should stop listening to these people using God,s name for every thought of theirs. Nigeria will surely survive them . " SHIO"
    Ezekiel O Falana


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