South African gay singer, Koyo Bala, dies of anal cancer

After a three-year battle with anal cancer‚ South African gay musician Koyo Bala, died around 9am on Monday at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town.

The 36-year-old,was a member of the defunct music group 3sum.In 2011‚ Bala disclosed that he was HIV-positive to the country‚ a decision he in 2014 told Sunday Times had "cost him work". In 2014 he was diagnosed with anal cancer and decided to move back home last year where he started chemotherapy. 

His last tweet about his illness was on February reads:

 "I pray 2 God everyday 2 help me pass this cancer #itshard #pains #wontgiveup #canwinthisbattle #cantsleepofpains".


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